Despre viata cu copii, pe scurt

"Children grow up fast. It may not seem that way when your 11 month old cries all night, or your 3 year old is screaming on the floor next to the candy display. But age 9, with its delightful reasonableness poised on the brink of preteen sophistication, arrives in what seems like the blink of an eye. As your child blows out those 9 candles, you’re halfway to 18. The age of majority, when he’s legally considered enough of an adult to marry, vote, and die for his country. 18 – and usually earlier – is when you’re officially fired as a parent, and, if you’ve done a good enough job, re-hired as a consultant". (Laura Markham, parenting expert)
          Sa ne gandim la asta data viitoare cand cei mici ne cheama sa ne jucam cu ei, dar ii refuzam pentru ca:
  • suntem prea obositi - 5 sau 10 mintute de joaca sunt tot ce le trebuie;
  • avem alte treburi - putem amana joaca pe mai tarziu, daca e ceva urgent, sau putem interactiona cu ei, indiferent ce am face, daca "treaba" ne permite;
  • nu avem chef - va veni o vreme cand vei avea tu chef de joaca, insa ei vor fi prea mari ca sa mai doreasca asta; o vorba inteleapta de pe toate siturile si din toate revistele spune sa "traiesti clipa"... traieste-o alaturi de copii.

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